The awful procedure of declawing cats has been legal across the US, but last week New York state made it…
‘Finn’s Law’ * comes into force today. Now it’s officially an offence to abuse or unnecessarily harm service animals in…
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the working dogs who’ve served us so well in military conflicts, stretching…
……or at least a good one. I’m taking care of a rather anxious dog who doesn’t take too kindly to…
Can throwing a ball give your dog arthritis? If you use a ball thrower, then now might be the time…
Easter eggs might be delicious for us humans, but they’re poisonous to dogs, so please keep them away from your…
A trail of sculptures of horses from around the world will be one of the highlights of this year’s Windsor…
That’s the question posed by a team of Japanese scientists from Sophia University in Tokyo. According to their findings, while…
An MP is determined to give cats the same protection as dogs when it comes to traffic accidents. Rehman Chishti…
The 11 million cats in the UK could be recruited in the fight against loneliness across the generations, says MP…