How to be a perfect dog sitter…..

……or at least a good one. I’m taking care of a rather anxious dog who doesn’t take too kindly to being ‘abandoned’ by her owners. So I’m trying to put myself in her canine shoes, using various ploys to lift her mood. So what’s working? Extra treats (what a surprise) are having a positive effect; as are distraction techniques including walks in the wood – which she can’t get enough of – the odd stroll on a nearby beach (not so keen…she doesn’t like the feeling of sand between her toes) and chatting to her. About what? you might ask. Well certainly not anything political – she doesn’t vote or read manifestos – or what the weather’s doing. I tell her that she’s among friends and her owners will be coming back soon and will be so happy to see her again. I’m sure a little smile crosses her cute face at the prospect of a wonderful reunion. Or does she think another treat is in the offing……