I’m working on a new podcast devoted to something every owner has to face in the end: the loss of…
Crustacean-lovers, and I’m one, will no doubt be pleased to hear that the well-being of lobsters and crabs is being…
Why not test yourself via this quiz. You mind find you’re a natural: www.moderncat.com/catfacesquiz
Quite a few of our moggies are starting to put on the pounds. Why’s that? I think it’s got a…
Known colloquially as ‘fixing’, having your pet neutered or spayed could be in their best interest. It can reduce the…
While remembering the brave soldiers who died in WW1, please spare a thought for the dogs who played their part:…
People battling boredom during lockdown by taking on a four-legged friend to keep them company while they’re stuck at home,…
Canines already skilled at sniffing out Parkinson’s, cancer and low blood pressure, could now help to detect signs of Covid-19.…
See my recent Daily Mail article on the Features page. It gives tips on how you can help your four-legged…
If you’re feeling helpless while millions of animals suffer or die in the devastating bushfires, follow this link to see…